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Eastern (Clovis, Roswell Area)

66th Gordon Bennett Cup Distance Competition Update #4

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media contact: media@balloonfiesta.com Albuquerque, NM – The 66th Coupe Aeronautique Gordon Bennett, sponsored by BayoTech continues. The October 8, 2023, 9pm update from the Gordon Bennett Command Center, indicates there are currently 13 balloons in flight, three balloons have landed and one team did not start. The…

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2023 Gordon Bennet Cup Distance Balloon Race Update #3

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media contact: media@balloonfiesta.com Albuquerque, NM – The 66th Coupe Aeronautique Gordon Bennett, sponsored by BayoTech, is underway. As of the latest update at 5:00 pm from the Gordon Bennett Command Center, all sixteen balloons that launched are still in flight as dusk approaches. The German GER-1 team…

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2023 Gordon Bennet Cup Distance Balloon Race Update #2

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media contact: media@balloonfiesta.com Albuquerque, NM – The 66th Coupe Aeronautique Gordon Bennett, sponsored by BayoTech, is underway. As of the latest update at 9:00 am from the Gordon Bennett Command Center, there are currently sixteen balloons in flight. The team representing Spain is currently in the lead…

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