New Mexico Newswire (NMN) provides you the ability to share your story with news reporters, editors, bloggers and media influencers within the Land of Enchantment. The NMN editorial team reviews all news releases before distribution and posting to ensure that content is accurate and newsworthy. The items in these editorial guidelines will provide you insight to the items we are considering when reviewing your news release for approval and distribution through NMN.
NMN news releases must contain a newsworthy and timely information angle, and be free of baseless claims and accusations capturing these requirements:
Newsworthy Information: Information about a business expansion, new product or service, timeline/milestone event.
No Hype: This is not an advertisement; this is information you are sharing with reporters and media influencers. Use of exclamation points, service claims, ALL CAPS will impact the credibility of your news release and cause our team to review with greater scrutiny.
Pass Legal Muster: When citing a legal case (inferred or intended) you will need to include a court of record, case/complaint number and/or other sufficient documentation for news releases that reference a legal action or criminal matter.
No Ghosting: NMN news releases must contain a valid contact name, phone number, and e-mail address in the contact information.
Word Count: NMN news release content has a limit of 400 words.
Formatting: NMN news releases provide areas to include links to files and media. News release content cannot contain HTML tags and other formatting such as non-standard characters, tables or forced line breaks.
Prove it or remove it: If you make a claim related to healthcare products and/or treatments (or any other claims), you need to provide supporting information in the context of the news release or in the links supporting your news release. Cited sources must be from a United States based government and/or agency.
Contact Information: NMN does not allow the use of email addresses within the body of the news release. Contact information will include a verified email address, phone number and website.
The NMN “No Fly” List: advertisements, sexually explicit content, links to SPAM, reprinted news coverage, third party releases and items that are created with an intent to harm another person (including information that is deemed by the editorial team to incite, advocate or espouses hatred, bigotry, racism or gratuitous violence; promote personal opinions attacking an individual or group; maliciously affect a company, defame, defraud, degrade, shame or victimize an individual or group.) These items are not allowed in any form or fashion. Period.
New Mexico Centric: NMN services are reserved for businesses and individuals who are registered with and/or located in the State of New Mexico.
Because we feel like it: The NMN is powered by The Garrity Group Public Relations (TGG). NMN is a service provided by TGG we have the right to refuse service to anyone and any organization for any reason. NMN and TGG have the final say in determining what content is appropriate for distribution through the NMN platform.