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New Mexico JudiciarySeek Input on Courthouse Access

New Mexico Courts launch assessment of courthouse access under the Americans with Disabilities Act

Santa Fe, NM – The New Mexico court system is undertaking a comprehensive evaluation of policies, programs, and facilities to determine the extent to which individuals with disabilities may be restricted in their access to courthouses across the state.

The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) has contracted with Altura Solutions to assist with the creation of an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan, which is required by federal law. The work will cover the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals buildings and courthouses in all 13 judicial districts and the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court, and will take place through Jan 19, 2025.

This initiative underscores the Judiciary’s dedication to ensuring equal access and opportunities for all people across the state.

The ADA is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination in access to jobs, public accommodations, government services, public transportation, and telecommunications.

Development of the ADA Transition Plan will include in-person assessments of buildings and court programs. Through extensive data collection, analysis, and public engagement, the project plan will outline a strategic framework to identify, prioritize, and address barriers to accessibility in the New Mexico court system.

The ADA improvement project started in July and has completed initial evaluation of 26 locations in nine counties including the Third Judicial District (Doña Ana County), Fifth Judicial District (Chaves, Eddy, Lea Counties), Sixth Judicial District (Grant, Luna, Hidalgo Counties) and Twelfth Judicial District (Lincoln, Otero Counties). Evaluations are ongoing in other districts and will focus on the Second Judicial District in mid-October.

Altura Solutions will conduct site assessments and actively seek input from stakeholders about areas that may be in need of ADA enhancements. Learn more about the project at www.accessforall-nmcourts.com/ contact access@alturalp.com.


About The Judicial Branch of New Mexico

The Judicial Branch of New Mexico includes the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, 34 district courts, 46 magistrate courts, the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court, and the Administrative Office of the Courts. Under state law, counties provide courthouses for the district courts. To learn more about the Americans with Disability Act Title II and the New Mexico Judiciary’s commitment to equal access visit https://nmcourts.gov/ada-accommodations/.

About Altura Solutions, LLC

Altura Solutions is a leading accessibility consulting firm, dedicated to advancing ADA compliance and creating accessible environments nationwide. Altura delivers innovative and high-quality solutions that transform spaces and communities. Altura Solutions is leading the 2024 New Mexico ADA Transition Project, which will ensure that all NM court facilities are ADA-compliant. Visit www.alturalp.com for more information.

Media Contact
Name: Barry Massey
Phone: 505.898.8689
Email: bmassey@nmcourts.gov

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